Names of individuals left to right are:
(front row) Jennifer Frazier, Louise Tallent,  Aubrey Nelson, Tracy Caposey
(back row) Joanne Pratt, Allison Castle, Danielle Carr, Mike Seljan, Corporal Brian Kissinger, Terry Mucha, Melody Wolff, Susan Schweitzer.

Lake Central Education Foundation awards up to $16,000 in grants

Annie Mattea April 5, 2022

Lake Central School Corp. announced more than $6,000 in grants and a $10,000 matching grant during a school board meeting Monday.

The Lake Central Education Foundation awarded 10 grants for a total of $6327.06. Overall, since the foundation started, it has awarded 614 grants, worth more than $300,000.

This round of grants went toward computer science kits, literature circles, history books, writing projects and more.

The $10,000 matching grant was offered to School Resource Officer Brian Kissinger and Director of Human Resources/Personnel Terry Mucha for their effort to purchase “emergency buckets” intended for use in lockdown situations, such as an incident in September where students were in lockdown for several hours.

Emergency buckets contain essential needs in order to help students and staff in that situation.

“This bucket is to help any sort of needs students have during a crisis. I want to thank the education foundation, and I am normally not lost for words, but I am,” Kissinger said.

Mucha then asked that people consider donating to the cause, as it is a matching grant, meaning every dollar donated to the cause will be matched by the foundation up to $10,000. More information will be sent out regarding how community members can be involved with the emergency buckets grant.

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