Here is a breakdown of grant rounds 31 – 40 recipients.


1. Using the activities on the website, students will increase their weekly vocabulary scores and expand their base vocabulary knowledge; a stronger vocabulary increases reading comprehension, speed, and interest level.

2. These materials will be used to make an exciting, fun, effective small group and center activities that Homan students will use and enjoy for many years.

3. This project is more than experimenting with wind energy; it is about “changing” the students’ perceptions about science and engineering while giving them “real-life” experiences.

4. The novel The Cardturner will take us on an inter-generational journey where we will explore the handicap of blindness and discover the lost art of card playing, resulting in our final destination – a Bridge Club.

5. A yearbook is one of the best ways to capture a student’s school experience and having quality cameras is essential in preserving these memories for a lifetime.

6. Entertainment, etymology, and education combine to create a fantastic unit for kindergarteners!

7. Mountain Language will enhance the students’ mastery and retention of state standard language skills with constant feedback, allowing teachers to implement interventions for students who struggle with specific skills.

8. Using a Digital Blue Microscope is a remarkable way to engage students in the science classroom allowing them to see specimens using the magnification coupled with the use of the projector, ensuring that all students have access to accurate and clear images of cells and their parts, as well as any specimen a teacher selects to observe.

Number of Grants Funded: 5 – Amount: $3,206.30

Cumulative Grants Funded: 413 – Cumulative Amount: $211,324.56

  1. Share the Excitement , Paired Reading!: First graders will be engaged in partner reading with the “You Read to Me, I’ ll Read to You” books developing literacy, fluency, expression and comprehension skills.
  2. Don’t Be An Interrupting Chicken!:  The goal of this project is to help our First Grade students become successful individua ls by learning and practicing the six positive characteristics covered in this project.
  3. TouchMath:  TouchMath is a multi-sensory approach to learning math facts.
  4. FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics: FIRST Tech Challenge, which draws students from diverse educational backgrounds in science, technology, vocational arts, and business to develop a robot to completion , seeks financial aid in order to free up savings to be allotted for capital investments.
  5. Shared Reading Websites: Comprehensive curricular websites provide novel units for high ability students in fourth grade.

Number of Grants Funded: 14 – Amount: $5,515.51

Cumulative Grants Funded: 427 – Cumulative Amount: $216,840.07


1 Through the use of interactive books and manipulatives, students will actively participate in experiences where they decide the course of action to take at multiple junctures within each activity.

2. The novel, Marley: A Dog Like No Others is a high-interest, complex book where students will gain the necessary reading strategies to use in mandatory reading as well as reading for entertainment.

3. Students in grades K-4 will use contemporary children’s literature books to increase their reading and writing proficiency.

4. Livescribe captures what is done in the classroom so anyone can watch, listen, and learn what was done when outside the classroom.

5. Science Olympiad, which engages students in science and technology, seeks financial aid to gain a competitive edge against top academic teams in the state to free up savings for other academic competition fees.

6. This grant will provide critical reading and math skills for our developing students while implementing the common core standards through engaging technology.

7. Kahler students would greatly benefit from learning how to make change using realistic money manipulatives in the enrichment classes.

8. Students will work cooperatively using problem solving strategies to design and construct a variety of STEM devices.

9. iPads will be utilized in the Peifer second grade classrooms to increase reading achievement and enjoyment and to expand classroom libraries.

10. iPads will be utilized in the Peifer second grade classrooms to increase reading achievement and enjoyment and to expand classroom libraries.

11. It is our goal to bridge together students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and typically-developing peers, placing them in situations that would allow students with ASD to learn about social behaviors and the peer models to learn how to interact with students with autism.

12. Students will use eBooks to explore the themes and historical context of Arthur Miller’s masterpiece The Crucible.

13. Making learning come alive for the youngest Lake Central Learners.

14. We are requesting funding to enhance the reading and word-work activities practiced and refined during the Daily 5.

Number of Grants Funded: 8 – Amount: $6,169.81

Cumulative Grants Funded: 435 – Cumulative Amount : $223,009.88

Impacting Approximately 3,425 Students


1.  eBooks are an innovative tool for teachers to use in the classroom because they can be easily accessed online without penalty of expiration, and the digital bookshelf will appeal to a broad range of students because they are all digital natives.

2. By studying the Holocaust from multiple accounts, students will formulate an understanding of the triumph of a people who overcame adversity and a determination to play a role in preventing prejudice in our own society.

3. By increasing resources for research of the National Parks, we hope to inspire students to successfully create interesting, thought-provoking projects and spark curiosity in American travel.

4. The “Value of One Life” is priceless!

5. With the help of the funds from this grant, it is our hope to create and supply a Chill Out Zone to provide movement and/or sensory breaks for many of our students here at Peifer Elementary.

6. Students entering Clark Middle School will begin their journey through middle school with August Pullman, the main character of Wonder, and learn that true beauty has nothing to do with appearances.

7. Livescribe Smartpens would allow my classes to create digital versions of notes, presentations, and lessons along with accompanying audio that become interactive pencast documents, thus allowing students to see and hear them exactly as they were delivered.

8. Students will work cooperatively using problem solving strategies to design and construct a variety of STEM devices and increase their knowledge in scientific topics.

Number of Grants Funded: 11 – Amount: $6,148.60

Cumulative Grants Funded: 447 – Cumulative Amount: $229,996.48

Impacting Approximately 2,495 Students


1. Students will master the basic math facts.

2. The Daily 5 curriculum will enrich the students’ reading, writing, and language arts skills, and will give them the foundation needed to become successful independent learners.

3. A set of headphones for each of the two iPad carts is necessary to maximize the effectiveness and functionality of these valuable learning tools.

4. Physics I students will design, construct, and analyze a cardboard boat using critical thinking skills to implement various physics principles to race a boat down and back the length of the pool.

5. Help put words in their mouths, with an extensive picture vocabulary library so they can express themselves.

6. By incorporating an ELMO into my language arts classroom, I can increase student participation, interest, and understanding through visual presentation of content and materials.

7. Within the set of twenty YHBA books, the Clark students will be exposed to a wonderful collection of fiction, biography, and nonfiction titles and have a voice in choosing the winning middle grades book title for the State of Indiana.

8. It is our goal to bridge together students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and typically-developing peers, placing them in situations that would allow students with ASD to learn about social behaviors and the peer models to learn how to interact with students with autism, while raising awareness for this disability.

9. The SMART Document Camera will allow the students and me to turn real writing and objectives into digital content allowing us to demonstrate, explore, and understand – even when concepts are abstract or complex.

10. Science Olympiad, which engages students in science and technology, seeks financial aid to gain a competitive edge against top academic terms in the state to free up savings for other fees for academic competitions.

11. Providing students identified as “At Risk” with a yoga class, will teach skills to cope with stress, strengthen the body, and promote a positive self-image.

Number of Grants Funded: 11 – Amount: $7,040.39

Cumulative Grants Funded: 458 – Cumulative Amount: $237,036.87

Impacting Approximately 1, 688 Students


  1. Lessons are activities to get the students excited and energetic about reading while giving students the gift of knowing their opinions count.
  2. This project is a hands-on approach for learning about reptiles, specifically snakes.
  3. By adding the novel Out of My Mind to my Language Arts curriculum, I can increase students’ interest in reading and their reading comprehension through an engaging novel that will raise disability awareness and stay with students long after reading the novel.
  4. Students will engage in extended reading activities and read additional books that correlate with different reading stories throughout the year.
  5. Students will reach higher levels of thinkin g and understanding while reading Jumanji.
  6. EBooks are an innovative tool for teachers to use in the classroom because they can be easily accessed online without penal y of expiration, and the digital bookshelf will appeal to a broad range of students because the students are all digital natives.
  7. The use of an ELMO in Language Art s, Math, and Science classes would increase student s’ participation, engagement, and understanding through a visual presentation of the content and material.
  8. Implementing Motivation through “Choice” Pamphlet Series relates to the Lake Central   Mission of “… ensuring that each student becomes a self-directed learner and a contributing, responsible citizen…” because students are motivated when given the opportunity to direct their learning based on interest.
  9. Students will learn how to crochet hats and headbands t hat  will bring joy to children with cancer.
  10. Students will work cooperatively using problem solving strategies to design and construct a variety of STEM devices.
  11. Taking preschool learning to new heights with the help of SMART Board technology!

Number of Grants Funded: 8 – Amount: $3,063.32

Cumulative Grants Funded: 466 – Cumulative Amount: $240,100.29

Impacting Approximately 726 Students


1. The use of an ELMO in language arts, math, and science classes would increase students’ participation, engagement, and understanding through a visual presentation of the content and material.

2. Kindergartens will learn crucial skills naturally through active play.

3. Sensory equipment for an environment conducive for our special needs population as well as our general education population.

4. “Keep Calm and Read Green” is a unique opportunity to further expand the experience of meeting a successful author/athlete who promotes education, reading, and good character.

5. Science Olympiad, which engages students in science and technology, seeks financial aid to gain a competitive edge against top academic teams in the state to free up savings for other fees for academic competitions.

6. As a result of this project, my students will have a firm sense of numbers that will help them grow and view math as an exciting challenge.

7. To promote literacy throughout the school and community, every Bibich student, family, and staff member will share in a unique reading experience.

8. This project will allow me to present my student with materials relevant to today’s world utilizing the visual support that students with autism require to be successful.

Number of Grants Funded: 5 – Amount: $2,175.48

Cumulative Grants Funded: 471 – Cumulative Amount: $242,275.77

Impacting Approximately 960 Students


  1. The SEEDS program addresses the development of vocabulary and language skills that the children will need to become successful readers, and by providing Literacy Packets to parents and caregivers it gives children additional face-to-face time with an adult at home in addition to build the connection between school and home.
  2. The Quirkles books are a wonderful tool that can be used by teachers, librarians, tutors, and parents to motivate all grade levels of elementary students to develop a love and appreciation of science and literacy while building a science vocabulary and students of all ages will enjoy reading the books and conducting the experiments
  3. Camp Kindergarten will provide families with a nurturing environment for talking, playing, and exploring countless literacy activities.
  4. The Expanding Expression Tool is researched based programs that will help students at Homan increase their oral and written vocabulary skills.
  5. Student s will utilize the Kelvin Deluxe motion timer to gather data for use in evaluating their project’s performance.

Number of Grant s Funded: 6 – Amount: $4,753.30

Cumulative Grants Funded: 477 – Cumulative Amount: $247,029.01

Impacting Approximately 815 Students


  1. Student s will be able to listen to stories of high interest at their individual reading level by using a portable CD player in a listening center throughout the year.
  2. Hands-On Kindergarten Stations is designed to actively engage kindergarten students and to create a fun, academic based learning environment in which every student is successful.
  3. Our hope is that the Bibich Buddy Bench will help grow children’ s dreams of inclusion and create a circle of friendship.
  4. With the addition of an iPad to t he Transition to Adulthood Program, students will be given  the following: choices, leisure activates, individual schedules, assistance participating in vocational & community experiences, a voice, but mostly important INDEPENDENCE.
  5. The SMART Document Camera will allow the students and I to turn real writing and objects into digital content allowing us to demonstrate, explore, and understand – even when concepts are abstract or complex.
  6. Science Olympiad, which engages students in science and technology, seeks financial aid to gain a competitive edge against top academic teams in the state to free up savings for other fees for academic competitions.

Number of Grants Funded: 8 – Amount: $3,708.54

Cumulative Grants Funded: 485 – Cumulative Amount: $250,737.55

Impacting Approximately 1,438 Students


  1. The SMART Document Camera will allow the students and me to turn real writing and objects into digital content allowing us to demonstrate, explore, and understand – even when concepts are abstract or complex.
  2. Clark students will be exposed to an outstanding collection of fiction, biography, and nonfiction titles in the set of twenty YHBA books and have a voice in choosing the winning middle grade book title for the State of Indiana.
  3. Embracing their “footprint” on our earth, students actively engage in researching, investigating, and communicating concepts of power derived from renewable natural resources by designing and building models powered by renewable natural resources.
  4. The Watson Library will construct a Makerspace that will inspire a project-based learning environment where students can create interest-driven projects.
  5. Students will use the large whiteboards to increase their engagement in the science classroom and will model scientific reasoning and problem solving.
  6. The Yoga mats will ensure that our students have a safe and comfortable environment in which to learn and practice Yoga.
  7. Science Olympiad, which engages students in science and technology, is seeking financial aid to gain a competitive edge against top academic teams in the state to free up savings for other fees for academic competitions.
  8. As a result of this project, my students will be academically stronger and love to learn because their introduction to learning was done through play, discovery, and fun.