Here is a breakdown of grant rounds 21 – 30 recipients.
Number of Grants Funded: 13 – Amount: $4,995
Cumulative Grants Funded: 246 – Cumulative Amount: $139,542
Disk-o–Disks (Emily Maurek and Sara Antkowiak, Bibich, $350) Fifth graders will create and promote music CD’s.
The Excitement of Discovery Part 3 (Caryn Walczak, Bibich, $500) Third grade students will study the stages of the darkling beetle’s life cycle in an interdisciplinary unit.
Games, Puzzles, Brainteasers – – Oh My (Debbie Van Laten and Kate Waechter, Kolling, $500) A variety of games will involve second and third graders in discrete math activities.
Hands on, Minds on Science (Julie Natt, Watson, $500) Second grade students will learn about insects and plants through science centers, writing activities, observations, and a class play.
The Iron Chefs (Chris Bruns and Vivian Velasco, LCHS, $400) Students in Foods III classes will compete in a videotaped cooking competition similar to those seen on the Food Network.
Kindergarten Learning Centers (Kristy Graff, Bibich, $250) Learning centers will promote exciting, hands-on learning for kindergarten students.
Kindergarten Learning Centers (Sheri Venturelli, Bibich, $250) Learning centers will promote exciting, hands-on learning for kindergarten students.
Learn by “Wrapping-Up” Facts (Kelly Gravely, Linda Favors, Susan Kucharski, Linda Monroe, Robin Siano, Louise Tallent, Protsman, $165) “Wrap-Ups” will be used to help fourth graders learn their multiplication facts.
Literacy Connections (Christina Triveline, Kolling, $460) First grade students will connect reading, writing, and phonetic processes in a small-group framework.
Protsman Fact Challenge (Sharon Cornwell, Holly Grunewald, Kristin Kachur, Kathy Laurisch, Danielle Shinkle, Protsman, $495) The Classroom Jeopardy program will allow third graders to review a variety of classroom topics.
Reader to Writer Club (Becca Vondrak and Mary Gerlach, Bibich, $485) First graders will read Accelerated Reader books and create writing portfolios.
Strategizing Students (Ellen O’Rourke, Bibich, $145) Fourth grade students will use a variety of games to enhance learning in math, vocabulary, and social studies.
Writing Roundup (Alison Gercken and Stacey Schwuchow, Peifer, $495) First grade students will use journals, sight word stamps, help-yourself writing rings, spin-a-sentence game mats, and more in guided writing groups.
Cumulative Amount: 144,042
Professional Sound Production Education for Lake Central Theater Students (Pamela Neth and Raymond Palasz, LCHS, $1500) High school theater students use an Instant Replay machine for more reliable and professional sound production.
Rebuilding the Drama Department (Trish Parish and Amie Sutton, Grimmer, $1500) New walls and sound equipment will improve drama productions at Grimmer Middle School.
S.T.O.P. – Start Teaching Our Parents (Troy Grady, Dyer Police Department, $1500) The Lake Central Education Foundation contributes funds for a go-cart that will provide simulated impaired driving experiences.
Number of Grants Funded: 14 – Amount: $8,485
Cumulative Grants Funded: 260 – Cumulative Amount: $152,527
Bringing Rainforests to Our Classroom (Rita Evanson, Watson, $330)-Through a variety of high-interest activities, second graders study the rainforest.
CLARK—“Children Learning and Reaching Knowledge!” (Scott Graber and Ken Newton, Clark, $650) Students and staff create a time capsule for the new middle school.
Do They Really Eat This? (Pam Hoffmaster, Kolling, $820) Fourth grade students use hand held microscopes to analyze the contents of owl pellets and conduct other experiments.
Fit for Life (Robin Siano and Louise Tallent, Protsman, $800) Elementary students improve nutrition and fitness using technology, specialized equipment, and partnerships with a local fitness center and hospital.
Fun with Physics (Mari-Jo Olenik, Watson, $615) K’NEX Simple Machine Kits provide hands-on building activities to help students better comprehend physics concepts targeted in the fourth grade curriculum.
“HOT” Math (Nancy Mackowiak and Karen Kinney, Bibich, $755) Picture books and games address specific math skills for second and third graders.
Improve Speech Making by Self-Evaluating (Leslie Lettiere, LCHS, $485) High school speech students use a video camera to evaluate speaking skills.
Math Madness (Ken Newton and Scott Graber, Clark, $280) Students in grades 5-8 work cooperatively to solve math problems during their lunch hours.
Plays for Class and Competition (Ray Palasz, LCHS, $460) A script collection allows high school drama students to evaluate and select pieces for class presentations and competition.
Pondering Ponds (Barbara Tharp, Bibich, $415) Fifth grade students create desktop ponds.
Reading -Alone and Together (Jennifer Frazier, Bibich, $470) Literacy stations engage second grade students and help them become independent learners.
Science on the Go (Karen Radencic, Watson, $405) Third graders use hands-on science kits at home.
Science Solutions (Donna Spivak, Watson/Grimmer, $1000) Fifth and sixth grade students solve problems using Lego Science and Technology Set.
Thinking Across the Curriculum (Susan Schweitzer, Grimmer, $1000) Middle school students use Thinking Maps to organize information.
Number of Grants Funded: 17 – Amount: $7475
Cumulative Grants Funded: 288 – Cumulative Amount: $160,002
Five Star Stories for Success (Trishanne Parish, Grimmer, $450) Sixth grade students improve reading comprehension skills by working at individual reading levels.
Food Science (Vivian Valasco, LCHS, $300) High school students mix chemistry and food preparation to learn food science.
Fun Fridays (Donna Mauder and Susan Spicer, Peifer, $450) Second graders increase reading comprehension through the use of games.
Great Readers Read Non-fiction (Chris Triviline and Louise Talent, Protsman, $450) Elementary school students read nonfiction to increase reading skills.
Interactive Reading (Peggy Ricard, Michelle Zolfo & Rodmilla Coker, Peifer, $450) Second graders use leveled readers to improve comprehension, phonics, vocabulary, and much more.
Jump Up and Learn (Lynn Makely, Peifer, $470) Primary students use hands-on learning centers to strengthen various skills.
Is Everyone Working on Level? (Justine Kasch, Watson, $450) First graders become actively engaged with hands-on math activities.
Let’s Problem Solve (Rita Evanson, Watson, $445) Second graders actively participate in a variety of multi-level problem-solving situations.
Making Math Fun (Alison Gercken, Peifer, $500) First graders increase math skills using fun, hands-on activities.
National Parks Projects (Brooke Vance, Homan, $300) Third graders research national parks through letter writing, the Internet, and books.
Never Shake a Baby (Kathy Szewciw, LCHS, $500) High school students use the Shaken Baby Syndrome Simulator to prevent baby shaking.
Our Children Need More Fitness (Victoria Gatlin, Protsman, $475) Elementary school students use scooters to improve hand-foot coordination and upper-body and lower-body strength.
Panther Productions Presents … “Great Detectives” (Julianne Slater, Protsman, $500) Young authors read The Adventures of Nate the Great,write stories, participate in comprehension activities, and perform a play.
Presidential Plaza (Brenda Kovich, Watson, $500) Watson School installs a Presidential Plaza around its flagpole, featuring bricks engraved with the names and dates of our country’s presidents.
RAKU Workshop: Earth and Fire (Chris Colle, John Talaber, & Maureen Yaeger, LCHS, $500) High school ceramics students experience an exciting, new firing technique and work with a professional ceramicist.
Real World Reading and Writing (Amie Sutton, Grimmer, $260) Eighth graders practice technical reading and writing.
Science Alive (Julie Natt, Watson, $475) Second graders participate in an interdisciplinary unit about living things.
Number of Grants Funded: 19 – Amount: $8,020
Cumulative Grants Funded: 307 – Cumulative Amount: $168,022
The Lake Central Education Foundation is proud to announce the grant recipients for Round 24, “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes”. This round provided an opportunity for teachers in new positions or buildings to request instructional materials. In the past twelve years, the LCEF has awarded 329 grants for a total of $168,617.
Kolling Elementary School
Linda Pawlak, Kolling ($250)- energy and anatomy materials
Protsman Elementary School
Shelli Luedtke, Protsman ($250) – take-home reading backpacks
Victoria Gatlin, Protsman ($175)- hula hoops and volleyball nets
Jennifer Mulholland, Protsman ($245) – magnetic boards and materials for phonics instruction
Clark Middle School
Cole De Vries ($25)- individual white boards
Melissa St. Clair, Clark ($ 110) – animal cell model, human karyotyping kit, diffusion demonstration model
Kelly Johnson, Clark ($145) – pattern blocks and reading comprehension cards
Linda Gunning, Clark ($90) – high interest books, atlases, and states wheel of facts
Aaron Itczak, Clark ($245) – quick response sleeves and Smart Pal guides for math
Karen Semancik, Clark ($235)- social studies videos
Joyce Buikema, Clark ($210)- cell cycle kit and dissected bullfrog model
Marie Russo, Clark ($240) – books on the classics and parts of speech
Silvana Morgan, Clark ($240) – listening center and audiobooks
Linda Hensley, Clark ($250) – novel set (Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator)
Glenna Fane, Clark ($235)- science videos
Stacey White, Clark ($240) – math enrichment books, geometric shapes, and dry erase boards
Aubria Cichocki, Clark ($250) – math enrichment binders
Claudia Triplo, Clark ($220) – workout videos
Michele Tyler, Clark ($250)- learning center materials
Number of Grants Funded: 19 – Amount: $8,195
Cumulative Grants Funded: 348 – Cumulative Amount: $176,217
Accelerated Reader Here We Come! (Melissa Velasquez, Protsman, $675)-First grade students use a listening center to actively listen to books, complete story maps, write book reports, and take Accelerated Reader tests.
Concept Literacy for Kindergarten Readers (Sheila Kellly, Bonnie Messenger, Shelli Luedtke, Taylor Popa, & Louise Tallent, Protsman, $250)-Kindergarten students increase reading and vocabulary skills using science and social studies materials related to their reading series.
Cooperative Learning through Games (Julie Natt, Watson, $250) – Learning games build second graders’ reading skills.
Daily Dose of Doggone Reading (Mickey Zolfo, Peifer, $170) – Books about dogs motivate primary students who are reading below grade level.
Kolling School “Where Character Counts!” (Stacey Schwuchow, Kolling, $735) – The Six Pillars of Character are integrated into elementary students’ daily curriculum.
Hands to Work (Julianne Slater, Protsman, $350)-Charts and games help elementary school students learn sign language.
High Ability Enrichment (Kim Martin, Melody Wolff, Debbie Smith, Dawn Corosh, & Melissa Vanderwoude, Homan, $250)- First grade students form book clubs, conduct research projects and author studies, and analyze books.
Input Technologies (Kathy Rosinski, LCHS, $750)-High school business students learn to use voice input, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), and graphic tablets.
Making It Stick (Kim Engel, Protsman, $250) – Activities such as making puppets, weekly cooking, and using manipulatives help preschool students build confidence and understand abstract concepts.
Mystery Mania (Rita Evanson, Watson, $335)- Second grade students read and write mysteries, as well as experiment with forensic science.
Pick a Play (Donna Mauder, Peifer, $250) – Readers Theater plays help second grade students increase their reading fluency.
Picture Books (Janice Malchow, Bibich, $245) – Kindergarten teachers use picture books to teach state standards.
Read Our Days Away (Michelle Snow, Cindy Richardso Vickie Kendall, Sheila Huffinan & Ellen O’Rourke, Bibich, $250)- Fourth graders read novels and complete individual projects.
Reading to a Different Beat (Amanda Wilson, Peifer, $410) – Phonics games and activities boost reading skills of students in kindergarten through fourth grade.
Ready! Set! Glow! (Pamela Hoffmaster, Kolling, $705)- Fourth grade students build solar cells and solar cars, collect data on efficiency of solar energy, and investigate other ways solar energy can be used.
Response to Intervention Kindergarten Learning Centers (Sheri Venturelli, Kristy Graff & Shari Kacius, Bibich, $250) – Kindergartners use manipulatives, leveled readers, and activities to encourage learning and reinforce skills.
School Tennis (Elementary Physical Education Teachers, $600)- New equipment allows elementary school students to learn tennis skills.
The Sound of Reading (Jamie Cole, Homan, $750)- Wireless listening centers encourage second grade students to appreciate literature, develop reading and speaking skills, and gain independence.
Video Yearbook (Bob Gustas, Jeff Magdziarz & Amanda Czyszczo Clark, $720)-Eighth grade students create a video yearbook.
Cumulative Grants Funded: 365 – Cumulative Amount: $184,217
Ascend to Academic Excellence (Julie Mayfield, Grimmer, $160) – Fifth grade students use auxiliary resources to reinforce basic language and math skills through daily review and practice.
The Big Dig (Mary Jo Smith, Watson, $280)-First grade students dig fossils, make fossils, and read about fossils as they learn what it’s like to be a paleontologist.
Character Education Program (Maria DiPaolo, Letitia Gustas, Marjorie Thompson, Susan Groves, Dave Schweitzer, Christie Zell, and Janet Zeck, Grimmer, $700) – Character education traits are explored through a video series.
Chick Life Cycle (Linda Pawlak, Eryn Beyrouty, Stephanie Huwig, Heidi Margeas, Janice Rachon, Barb Rosenwinkel, Rod Smith, Kolling, $210) – Third grade students hatch chicks and use plastic models to view the stages of a chick’s development.
Classroom Jeopardy Interactive Game (Lindsey Serna, Grimmer, $765) – An interactive Jeopardy game allows fifth grade students to work cooperatively as they review grade level concepts.
A Few Affect Many (Lucy DiMichele, Kim Zelasko, and Louise Tallent, Bibich and Protsman, $425) – A variety of strategies are used to help students who struggle with anger management.
Four Days Around the World (Jolene Bogacki, Joyce Buikema, Aubria Cichocki, Angela Demantes, Liz DeVries, Jen Gleason, MaryAnn Medved, Jason Putman, Gereda Snyder, Melissa St. Clair, and Michele Tyler, Clark, $520) – Seventh grade students travel to twelve different “countries” investigating cultures, religions, festivals, and traditions.
Frog Family Fun Packs (Thomasia Mccarter, Debra Renn, Suzanne Fryer, Sandra Krooswyk, Stacey Hemphill, and Amy Krooswyk, Protsman, $500)- Second grade students use take-home kits to review language arts concepts with their parents.
Lights, Camera, Action -Read (Kate Waechter, Kolling, $535) – Readers’ Theater allows kindergarten students to develop and practice their reading skills through live presentations.
Linking Literacy and Math in Kindergarten (Diane Richardson, Homan, $95) – A rich, problem-solving environment provides kindergarten students with manipulative, hands-on activities in beginning math.
Mathematical Contributions to Society (Tammy Rush and Kathleen Greenya, Kahler, $365) – Seventh grade students explore contributions of famous mathematicians.
More Five Star Success Stories (Trishanne Parish, Grimmer, $455)- Students in sixth and seventh grade reading classes read high-interest anthologies featuring engaging stories from around the world.
Mother Goose’s Activities and Family Night (Tina Hoffman, Watson, $480) – A semester long enrichment program uses traditional nursery rhymes to reinforce kindergarten concepts.
Physics on the Road (Stacey Schwuchow and Brenda Kovich, Kolling and Watson, $500) Third and fourth grade students enjoy a day of hands-on physics activities.
Secrets of the Periodic Table (Roberta Harnish and David Harnish, LCHS, $430) – High school chemistry students use dry erase periodic tables for immediate reinforcement and assessment.
Theatrical Designs Through a Light Lab (Raymond Palas.z, LCHS, $580)- High school theater students experiment with theatrical lighting through the use of a light lab.
Twenty-first Century Computers at Kahler (Gail Lemon, Kahler, $1000) – Middle school students utilize current technology, such as digital cameras, camcorders, and PDAs.
Number of Grants Funded: 10 – Amount: $3790
Cumulative Grants Funded: 375 – Cumulative Amount: $188,007
Arms Can Do More.Than Just Wave (Cindy Walsh, Kahler, $475)- Sixth graders work cooperatively to successfully manipulate a robotic arm.
Class of 2010 Video Yearbook (Jeff Magdziarz, Bob Gustas, and Amanda Czyszczon, Clark, $500) – Eighth grade students create a video yearbook.
Cre-ATE-ive Compost! (Anne Ruiz, Freshmen Center, $175)-Eleventh and twelfth grade students make and learn about the importance of compost.
Gene Cloning, Screening, and Sequencing Explorer Series (Jennifer McQuade, LCHS, $495) – Eleventh and twelfth grade students identify, extract, amplify, and purify a gene, clone it into a new bacterial host, and much more.
Promoting Literacy Through Listening (Cindy Milaszewski, Peifer, $200) – Kindergarten students use a wireless listening center to build attention and listening skills.
Reading for Meaning Video Productions (Jamie Cole, Homan, $500) – Students in grades 2, 3, and 4 use a flip camera and interactive reading software for reading enrichment projects.
Seeing in Digital is Believing! (Louise Tallent, Protsman, $495)-Third and fourth grade students use a Digital Blue microscope to view, photograph, write about, and make time-lapse movies of various specimens.
Solving the Mystery of Measurement (Pam Hoffmaster, Kolling, $400)-Fourth graders participate in a variety of measurement activities.
Sounds Good to Me! (Diane Richardson, Homan, $450) – Kindergarten students use a phone like device (TOOBALOO) to practice oral reading for fluency and comprehension.
Teaching Economics Using Stone Fox (Linda Pawlak, Kolling, $100)-Third grade students learn about government and economics while reading the book Stone Fox.
Number of Grants Funded: 15 – Amount: $7,960
Cumulative Grants Funded: 390 – Cumulative Amount: $195,967
Digitally Capturing Our Digital World (Eryn Beyrouty, Kolling, $735)-Third graders participate in an animal scavenger hunt, a math scavenger hunt, and much more using a class set of digital cameras.
Eyes and Ears Reading (Mary Ann Medved, Clark, $735)- Students experience books through both visual and auditory modes using recorded texts.
Frog Family Fun–Packs (Amy Krrooswyk, Protsman, $750) – Second grade students use fun packs in small groups and with parents to master reading and language arts skills.
Hands-on Foundations for Algebra Success (Aubria Cichocki, Clark, $520) – Algebra Tiles and XY Coordinate Pegboards provide concrete activities that allow seventh graders to grasp algebra concepts.
HD for LCTV (Laura Zeller, LCHS, $600) – Lake Central moves to the next phase in broadcast journalism using HD technology.
Make Music Fun for K-1! (Lynn Puzey, Homan, $200)-Music and regular classroom skills are combined as primary students learn songs about science, health, social studies, and more.
March to the Beat (Kim Engel, Protsman, $635) -“Laugh and Learn,” a literature-based music curriculum, provides socio-emotional and academic benefits for early childhood learners.
Mileage Club (Mary Beth Rinaldi, Protsman, $425) – Third and fourth grade students improve their health by joining the Mileage Club and using pedometers to record their progress.
Passport to Adventure and Exploration (Lynn Makely, Peifer, $595)-First grade students use Magic Tree House books to travel throughout the world and history.
P.H.O.T.O. (Sandy Buntin, Clark, $750)-A new camera allows Clark Middle School students to take great photos for the yearbook.
Protsman Panther Patio (Susan Thomas, Meg Piatt, Millie Hinton, Stacey Hemphill, Kathy Laurisch, and Holly Jones, Protsman, $750)- Students in all grade levels use an outdoor area to study environmental education and core science topics.
Roberto’s Rainforest (Jennifer Frazier, Joanne Pratt, Sue Torres, Sheri Demy, and Nancy Mackowiak, Bibich, $215) – This dynamic rainforest unit engages second graders in real-life problem solving.
R.T.I. – Reinforcement Through Interaction (Julie Moore, Clark, $300)- Fifth grade students rotate between eight stations to reinforce reading skills in a variety of ways.
See You in the Movies! (Kristen Hankins, Kolling, $250) – Fourth graders use a flip camcorder to record Readers’ Theater and chronicle their trip to the Indiana Dunes.
Wellness Wednesday at Protsman (Louise Tallent, Protsman, $500)-Nuggets of health and fitness information are provided to students, staff, and parents through technology and student created songs.
Number of Grants Funded: 9 Amount: $3,675
Cumulative Grants Funded: 399 – Cumulative Amount: $199,642
~ The name of person awarded the grant and those who will be working with the program/supplies are shown below.
Page Turners (Julie Koricanac, LC High School, $460) – This instructor would like to instill a love of reading in students who have in the past struggled with reading comprehension by providing books authored for diverse reading levels with a high school interest level.
Researching Social Issues eBooks (Elana Aren, Raymond Palasz, Betty Samples, Josh Huwig, Jeff Sandar, Kathryn Clark, LC High School, $470)-This grant provides the high school “Intensive Writing” class with eBooks, an authoritative resource, accessible through the Internet. The eBooks expand the present library’s collection and will address social issues.
Monsters, Aliens, and Cold War (Michele Tyler, Jolene Bogacki, Jennifer Gleason, Jerry Lannon, Maryann Medved, $425)- Inthis unit, students explore how the historical and cultural context of both literature and media is evident through the attitudes and perspectives of author(s). Student will become aware of the cyclical nature of history and gain an appreciation for the timeless themes of literature.
Reading is a Novel Idea (Denise Snyder, Clark, $425) – This grant will establish the frrst book club/discussion group at Clark Middle School. Through book discussion groups, students of different ages (grades 5-8), different reading levels, and different areas of interest will have the opportunity to learn and grow through positive social interaction centered on reading.
The Science of Disney Imagineers (Linda Pawlak, Kolling, $300) – Students will learn about the abstract scientific concepts of force, motion, and energy. They will be introduced with a video series. The students will then perform scientific experiments that demonstrate those concepts modeled in the series.
Wonderful Workstations! (Alison Gercken, Peifer, $450)- This project is designed to actively engage kindergarten students in hands-on activities and to create a fun, standard based learning environment in which every student_is successful.
Reading Pen/Strips of Confidence (Amy Anderson, Peifer, $445) – Struggling readers gain independence and confidence when using a reading pen as it scans unfamiliar text and provide audible word definitions or synonyms. Strips minimize reading difficulties such as skipping words, losing place or eye fatigue.
Climbing the Math Mountain (Stacey Hemphill, Debra Renn, Tommie McCarter, Amy Krooswyck, Suzanne Fryer, Barbara Kovach, Protsman, $500) – Second grade students will use the Mountain Math bulletin board kit for a spiral review of math concepts presented in daily lessons. This resource actively engages the students.
“SmartPAL” Make Smart Kids (Vera Mileusnic, Liz DeVries, Protsman, $200) – “SmartPal” durable write-on/wipe off plastic sleeves will be used to teach all English as a Second Language students as they engage in repeated practice of academic concepts. Students’ plastic covered worksheets can be used over and over again promoting fine motor/visual motor skills.
Number of Grants Funded: 9 – Cumulative Grants Funded: $205,207.25
- Busy Hands, Busy Minds!: Through the use of hands-on materials, students will actively participate in hands-on experiences with simple machines and will observe, plus describe, how sound is produced by vibrations.
- Racing to Science Success: It is often said that students need to be exposed to more science math; this project is designed to put students in the “driver’s seat” of their own education.
- Does Molecular Evidence Support the Theory of Evolution: Students will use detectable variations between organisms’ protein profiles reflecting physiological adaptations to different environments, to generate novel results that can be applied to the problem of solving evolutionary relationships through the construction of Phylogenetic trees.
- Listen for Comprehension: This grant will utilize a SMART board, infrared computer headphones, internet resources, and software to differentiate instruction, maintain time on task, and engage students.
- Anchor Activities for Differentiated Instruction: Anchor activities will be used as a differentiated teaching strategies in the third grade classrooms each year providing students different leveled activities to help keep them engaged in learning as they complete various assignments at different rates of speed.
- “Nature composes some of her loveliest poems for the microscope” as shared by Theodore Roszk.
- Flip Video Cameras Intensity Learning: The use of the FLIP video camera at each grade level will provide the Homan students with access to easy-to-use technology that also enhances their ways to learning in more hands-on and creative styles.
- What’s the Buzz: Buzzing around the hive, enjoying the sweetness of knowledge!
- Let’s Learn: The goal is to lay the ground work for future independence.
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