Pictured are (l to r) Vice President Christian Jorgensen, Town Manager Bill Manousopoulos, Councilman Wayne Pondinas, Kate Perschon (LCEF Board Member), Sher Cosgrove (LCEF Board Member), Dawn Czarnik (LCEF Board Member), Louise Tallent (LCEF Board Member), Danielle Sparavalo (LCEF Board Member), Sher Cosgrove (LCEF Board Member) Councilwoman Ann Oster, Clerk Treasurer Beth Hernandez, an dCouncil President Mike Bouvat
A BIG thank you to the Town of St. John for their generous donation of $500 to the Lake Central Education Foundation! Their support to provide innovative learning opportunities for our LC school community means so much. THANK YOU!
A neighboring sister education foundation was also awarded $500! Congrats to HSEF – Hanover Schools Education Foundation!
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